In this issue:
LHS Academy Update
Branch Pursuits
Wellness Corner
Gene’s Gems
It’s Collins’ Selfies
Lincoln High School Engineering and Construction Academy Update
Back in December we featured a post about Lincoln High School’s new Engineering and Construction Academy. The academy allows students to gain hands-on experience in construction trades, and Collins was happy to donate project materials to such an amazing program! We recently received an update from Jeff Wright of Lincoln High School and it looks like things at the academy are going strong! Check out what he had to say below, as well as some photos of the students’ progress!
You can read our previous post about the Academy here!
“We have been very busy at the Engineering and Construction Academy at Lincoln High School. The Academy teachers are working very hard preparing our students for jobs in the construction industry. I have attached a few photos of our students working on our new training center. The students have been identifying all the fittings under the floor and installing the Waste pipe, drain pipe and vent pipes. They are currently working on the top out plumbing with the copper pipe and Pex. We will be installing all the electrical very soon. They will also install the HVAC duct work and floor registers.
Thanks again to everyone for your continued support over the years. We cannot provide the awesome programs we have without your generosity.”
Instructor Updates:
Adrian is preparing his students for the Engineering Day Competition at Delta College.
Andrew just competed with 8 students at the Welding competition at Delta College
Dave is building his sheds getting ready for the Design Build Competition in Sacramento.
Robert has his students building night stands and vanities for our Training Center.
Amazing work! we can’t wait to see how this wonderful program and these talented students continue to progress! We might be looking at some future Collins employees!
Branch Pursuits
This week: The Marina Branch!
Currently in Corporate Estimating, we received the latest set of drawings for the El Gabilan Library project.

The El Gabilan Library will be a new 2-story library, a total of 21,076 SF and will have a new 800A electrical service. David Plaster and Rick Gonzales have been working on the updated budget for the library. Below are a few more sketches of what the new proposed library will look like:

Another Marina project underway is the Natividad Medical Center Radiology Modernization project. The Facility serves as the the main hospital for the Natividad Medical Center and was originally constructed in 1995. The last major renovation for the Natividad Medical Center was back in 1998. This project will consist of a New MRI build out, New Angiography suite, New Nuclear Medicine build out, Expanding CT area by demolishing the existing MRI, Remodeling of the Ultrasound area, Remodel and Relocation of several offices, staff lounge, storage rooms, reception and waiting area. The total area for renovation is 14,333 SF. This will be an OSHPD project. Hans Williams is estimating this project and we wish him the best of luck on this bid!

Headaches aren’t only frustrating, they can be debilitating- interrupting your work, home life, and daily activities. Check out the video below to help banish your next headache!
♢♢♢ Gene’s Gems ♢♢♢
Word of the Week: Integrity
noun: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
Collins Selfies
Even though we work hard, we play hard too. Every week, we’ll show off our most important resource: the Collins Electrical staff.
This week, we introduce to you…
Sacramento electricians Joe Ory and Ernest Kirkpatrick working in Weed, CA at our Butteville project. What a cool shot with Mt. Shasta as a background! Lookin’ good, guys!
Check out all the Collins’ Selfies by searching for the hashtag #collinsselfie on Facebook.
Do you have a #collinsselfie to share? Post them to our page using the hashtag #collinsselfie or email Elaine at
Make sure to incorporate the Collins Electrical logo in a creative and fun way!